A Social-Marketing Strategy for a US Based Non-Profit: Which Road Should They Travel For Continued Success?

Enda F McGovern


Co Operation Ireland (COI) was founded in 1979 to advocate peace and reconciliation between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland.  Almost 20 years after its formation, the Good Friday Peace Treaty was signed and the widespread violence in Northern Ireland that once dominated the world’s headlines began to diminish.  In 1995 COI opened a satellite office in New York to raise COI’s awareness and to access funding available in the US market.  While this proved to be a very successful venture, in recent years it experienced difficulties raising funds as part of the overall challenges the US economy faced.  Some people suggested that ‘donation fatigue’ had crept into the COI message, as many Americans believed the peace treaty was signed and that peace was accomplished.  Funding continued to decline in the US and the New York office struggled to generate revenue?  Should New York continue to operate as they had since 1995, i.e. on a voluntary basis with staff and office facilities utilized year-to-year?  Should they leverage their brand identity and approach other charitable organizations to create partnerships and share platforms.  Or were there other options that should be considered?  The COI Executive Board had an important decision to make in resolving the direction of COI in the US and the future of the New York office!


Non-Profit, social marketing, business and society

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